
Gynaecology - GVM International
Advanced therapeutic methods for the treatment of major gynaecological and uro-gynaecological diseases.  
The surgical programme proposed for gynaecological and uro-gynaecological pathologies is based on a personalised approach to the pathology — specific for each patient — and on ultra-minimally invasive surgery, which ensures rapid post-operative recovery, less post-surgical pain and less scarring for a better aesthetic result.

Areas of intervention 

Gynaecological oncology

  • Minimally invasive surgery
  • Diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy
  • Diagnosis and treatment of benign diseases of the uterus, ovary and adnexa
  • Diagnosis and treatment of lower genital tract pathologies
  • Diagnosis and treatment of chronic pelvic pain and endometriosis 

Ultra Minimally Invasive Techniques

  • Hysteroscopic surgery: Wherever possible, endoscopic surgery is the procedure of choice to avoid incisions and prevent scarring.
  • Percutaneous laparoscopic surgery: Laparoscopic surgery uses ultra-fine instruments that are less than 3 mm in diameter. With this method, the abdominal entry hole is so small that it doesn't require stitches at the end of the procedure.
  • Mini-laparoscopic surgery. This laparoscopic approach uses instruments measuring less than 5 mm in diameter.
  • Laparo-Endoscopic Single-Site Surgery (LESS): this laparoscopic approach uses the umbilicus as the only point of abdominal entry.
Hospitalisation times vary from case to case but do not typically exceed three days.

Gynaecological Robotic Surgery

The Da Vinci Robot can be used to treat endometrial cancer and advanced genital prolapse. In endometrial tumours, the robotic system enables use of the ‘nerve sparing’ technique by which the individual nerve endings are identified, thus preserving their function and leaving bladder and intestinal function intact. 

In the treatment of high-grade prolapse, robotic surgery makes it possible to better position the mesh to support the vaginal dome on the sacral promontory. The Da Vinci robot enables highly precise procedures and preservation of vascular structures and nerve integrity, thus preventing such repercussions as constipation and urinary incontinence, which can be a side effect of the conventional surgical approach.
The advantages of using robotic technology are:
  •  reduced hospitalisation times
  • faster post-operative recovery
  • highly precise surgical treatment
  • preservation of proper innervation (nerve sparing)

Prophylactic Surgery

With the advancement of medical knowledge in the field of oncology, genetic screening tests to assess the risk of ovarian or breast cancer in patients with a family history of these diseases are now available and increasingly used.
Ultra-minimally invasive surgery is a viable option for women at risk who choose to have preventive surgery.

Gynaecological Urology

  • Treatment of female urinary incontinence, organic and functional urinary retention
  • Pelvic floor reconstruction surgery (genital prolapse)
  • Treatment of faecal incontinence, obstructed defecation, chronic cystitis, interstitial cystitis, neurological bladder


Our Doctors

Sorrenti Giuseppe

Sorrenti Giuseppe

You will find this specialty here:

Rome / Lazio

Ospedale San Carlo di Nancy

Bari / Puglia

Ospedale Santa Maria

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