Diabetic Foot

Diabetic Foot - GVM International

Diabetic foot ulcers are ulcers that may affect the foot and ankle of patients affected by type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Over 25% of diabetics develop problems with their feet over the course of their life. Over 80% of amputations in the Western World are conducted on patients with diabetes and the diabetic ulcer is the most significant risk factor.

It has been demonstrated scientifically that the sooner the condition is recognised and treated the better the clinical outcome.

When it comes to Diabetic Foot treatment, GVM Care & Research is a veritable international gold standard specialised in saving limbs with over 1,000 operations each year.

The main clinical activities consist of treating preulcerative and ulcerative conditions, providing follow-up for patients subject to revascularisation and/or surgical treatment, while rehabilitation mainly works on preventing secondary and recurrent ulcers. Exams specifically dedicated to feet affected by Charcot arthropathy are also conducted.

Hospitalisation for the treatment of diabetic foot complications (infected and/or ischaemic foot, foot with chronic ulcers and osteomyelitis, Charcot arthropathy with surgical instructions) focuses on surgical treatment and revascularisation, in collaboration with the Laboratory for Interventional Cardioangiology and with the Operating Unit for Vascular Surgery.

Types of surgical treatment are

  • Study and orthotic correction of biomechanical alterations due to diabetic foot;
  • Conservative treatment of non-complicated diabetic ulcers of the foot and lower limb;
  • Conservative surgery of ulcers and osteomyelitis;
  • Emergency surgery to save the limb (LIMB SALVAGE);
  • Prophylaxis and preventive surgery in Charcot arthropathy;
  • Surgery for osteomyelitis and Charcot arthropathy.
Screening and diagnosis of complications of diabetes affecting the lower limbs;

The multi-disciplinary approach - which is the hallmark of the recognised effectiveness of GVM methods - is applied to the treatment of the Diabetic Foot thanks to the synergy of teams of specialists that include Cardiologists, Diabetologists, Vascular Surgeons, Haemodynamic Specialists, Podologists, Specialised Nurses and Orthopaedic Technicians who help the Diabetic Foot Surgeon select the right treatment for the specific needs of the patient.


Diabetic Foot - GVM International
Operation each year

Our Doctors

Dalla Paola Luca

Dalla Paola Luca

You will find this specialty here:

Cotignola - Bologna / Emilia Romagna

Maria Cecilia Hospital

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